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"Uniformity is not nature's way; diversity is nature's way."
Vandana Shiva

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Compassionate Care

Offerings are trauma-informed, heart-centered, and personalized for the needs of each client.

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Deep Nourishment

Offerings are rooted in the principal of warmth.

Warm words. Warm food.

Warm respectful care rooted in consent & bodily autonomy.

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Rooted Rituals

Offerings are connected to traditional teachings & teachers grounded by the wisdom of lineage, elders, and ancestors.

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Community & Kinship

Offerings honor the relational nature of life... that health & wholeness emerge when interdependence is practiced, support is abundant, & all of Creation is esteemed.


Begin your yoga wellness & doula care journey today!

Unusual Pearl, LLC © 2024 

Abigail Lauren Geller

Unusual Pearl does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more here

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